
Unitarian & Free Christian Bible Discussion Group

Founded early in the lockdowns of 2020, our dynamic group continues to meet weekly on Zoom to discuss a passage and theme from the Bible for one hour. The format is flexible and often includes a reading, responses, discussion, breakout rooms, and plenary feedback. 

Topics we have covered have ranged widely, including the Good Samaritan, the Bible as a physical object, Elijah as a superhero, Job and suffering, Balaam and the talking donkey, Sabbath rest, the Prodigal Son, trees in the Bible, advice for families, heaven and hell, the Zodiac in Mark, temptation, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Tower of Babel, and much more!

‣All are welcome!

‣All religious perspectives and none

‣Share ideas rather than debate

‣Disagree agreeably

‣Participants welcome to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice.

‣Supported by, but independent of the Unitarian Christian Association. 

Join us on Mondays


Unitarian & Free Christian Bible Discussion Group

Unitarian & Free Christian Bible Discussion Blog