One of the objectives of the Unitarian Christian Association is to financially assist individuals or bodies engaged in charitable activities.
The charity we are currently supporting is Christian Solidarity Worldwide.( CSW ). Christian Solidarity Worldwide is a human rights organisation which specialises in religious freedom and works on behalf of those persecuted for their beliefs.
They support and advocate for persecuted people around the world who are denied their ‘freedom to believe’. They work to defend, uphold and promote the right to freedom or belief in over 20 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. You can find out more about their work by clicking here.
The UCA has supported various charities over the years. We worked with Christian Aid in a partnership scheme and pledged to raise £5,000 for a maternal health unit in Sierra Leone. This project was match-funded by the UK government 4:1.Overall we raised £20,000 for this very worthwhile project.
We have supported and continue to support a charity called Embrace the Middle East. This is a Christian Development charity which is tackling poverty and in justice in the Middle East. Their focus at the moment is the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
In 2020, just before the start of the pandemic, we committed to supporting a British based charity called MaaChild, which was founded in 2010. The charity was based in the southern part of Kenya, home of the Massai people and aimed to provide sustainable secondary education for Massai students. The UCA agreed to support the education of a student through the four years of secondary education at a cost of £1500. In total we donated £2,300 to support the work of this charity. Unfortunately, the charity had to stop operating in 2022.Over 12 years it touched the lives of many young Maasai people by providing them with an education and a brighter future. Hopefully the legacy of the charity will continue to live on in the lives of the Maasai people.
We have worked with other charities closer to home such as A Rocha, a Christian environmental charity, the refugees and asylum seekers’ Conversation Club at Mill Hill Chapel, Leeds and Ullet Road Rebels, a football team for asylum seekers in Liverpool.
Please consider supporting our charity, CSW by making a donation on the donations page of the website (use the ref.CSW). Thank you.
For more information about the charities mentioned above please visit their websites, see links below :-